Sam Lyle 4/30

Sam lyle is a gem, a ginger gem.


Sam is just one of the best people I’ve had in my life. He is one of my oldest friends and our bond is special. I’ve always admired Sam for his commitment to his dreams. When he sets his sights on something he doesn’t let anything or anyone stop him. I have loved watching him grow and succeed in so many things over the years. Sometimes it feels like just yesterday we were making music together at church camp or “freestyle walking” with Kyle Yake our youth leader.

The best part of Sam Lyle is how BIG he loves. He doesn’t love a little or in a subtle way. He loves like I do: deep, unwavering, intense and unconditional. There’s no “right” time for him to express his love. All time is the right time. 941084_10154183308198054_8572034539907921134_n

Sam lyle is an incredible musician, actor, friend, and uncle to little Charlotte.He is passionate, talented and gives the best hugs. He stands up for social justice unwaveringly. I absolutely love watching his succeed and can’t wait to see all that is ahead of him.

Sam hasn’t always had the easiest of times and I see that in him. I respect him for never letting this things stop him. I see a different Sam than others see and I try my best to show the real Sam to the world. He does a pretty good job too 😉


Thank you for always being the best of friends to me.

Thank you for showing the world how to love big.

Thank you for all the memories we’ve had so far.

Here’s to many many more.

I love you.



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